Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dear God, (II)

I'm sorry for the questions asked
I'm sorry for being rude
I'm sorry for being bitter inside
I'm sorry that I didn't depend on You.

I'm sorry for forgetting Your Love
Your ultimate Sacrifice
I'm sorry that I worried so much
Thinking that Your Grace won't suffice.

I'm sorry I thought that I'm all grown up
And become so mature in faith;
That I dared to push Your plans behind
And let my desires take its place.

I'm sorry for the grumbling
I'm sorry that I blamed
All the blessings in my life
To be the reason for my pain

Lord, please forgive me
And give me one more chance;
I'll remain in perfect peace.
Trusting You to meet more than
Just my daily needs.

Though I'm clumsy
Its because of You're Grace, I am called
To live for Your Glory
And to care for Your flock

Maybe not in ways
That I have dreamt it to be
But surely in Your mind
There is an assignment for me....

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